"Matcha" on "0x V2"
Brand New Pricing Engine

Built for serious

onchain trading

+122 liquidity sources


Available on

unbeatable on large trades

For traders who move serious size

Smart order routing delivers world-class pricing on large trades to maximize your profits. Powered by 0x v2.

whale trading

Get the absolute best prices. Matcha outperforms other apps from $5k to $10m+

multiplex, Multihop

Smart routing splits trades for the deepest liquidity and leverages intermediate tokens

Order route plan

World-class Trading at every size

Best prices, all-in

Are you just getting the best quote or the best settled price, all-in? Your wallet knows the difference.

Matcha on 0x v2 outperforms the competition at every trade size in terms of final adjusted settled amount; the amount that lands in your wallet.

Secure by design

One-time token allowances built-in

Over $6.5B in token allowances are exposed onchain, according to Dedaub. Matcha uses Permit2 configured for strict one-time approvals, so your funds are not at risk of smart contract allowance exploits.

Take it for a spin

Trade like a Whale with the brand new pricing engine from 0x. Be among the first to try it and level up your trading now!